Photographer male
the glimpse / Nude  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

the glimpse - © Martial Rossignol

Salomé / Nude  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Salomé - © Martial Rossignol

Nine / Nude  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Nine - © Martial Rossignol

Camille / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Camille - © Martial Rossignol

Hanna / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Hanna - © Martial Rossignol

Pauline / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Pauline - © Martial Rossignol

Mina / Portrait  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Mina - © Martial Rossignol

By the beauty of a half-century / Nude  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

By the beauty of a half-century - © Martial Rossignol

Lou / Nude  photography by Photographer Martial Rossignol ★8 | STRKNG

Lou - © Martial Rossignol

2025-01-03 16:08 
Pola 01 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 01
Pola 02 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 02
Pola 03 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 03
Pola 04 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 04
Pola 05 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 05
Pola 06 / Nude / polaroid,polaroislab
Pola 06
Pola 07 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 07
Pola 08 / Nude / polaroid,polaroidlab
Pola 08


A bit of fun with the Polaroid Lab. Go from digital to analog and revisit old photographs.

2024-12-04 20:16 
Break the ice wall / Portrait / portrait,man,ice,wall,blackandwhite
Break the ice wall

Break the ice wall

My photograph “Break the ice wall” will be part of the “directors choice” presentation at photoSCHWEIZ 2025, from 07 to 11. February 2025 at the Zurich Congress Center.
The “Directors Choice” project at photoSCHWEIZ 25 presents a selection of photographers from various international photography festivals.

2024-09-17 15:27 
Nine / Nude / nude,womanportrait,wind,dance
Nine / Nude / nude,womanportrait,wind,dance
Nine / Nude / nude,womanportrait,wind,dance
Nine / Nude / nude,dance,wind,portrait

Sometimes the wind is my friend

The veil creates its own choreography. It draws airy shapes around the model, creating ephemeral compositions that the photographer's eye tries to capture in the fleeting moment. Every fold of the drape, every contour of the dancer's body becomes a visual puzzle to solve.

Der Schleier erfindet seine eigene Choreographie. Er zeichnet luftige Formen um das Modell und schafft flüchtige Kompositionen, die das Auge des Fotografen versucht, im vergänglichen Moment festzuhalten. Jede Falte des Draperienstoffs, jede Kontur des Körpers der Tänzerin wird zu einem visuellen Rätsel, das es zu lösen gilt.

2023-08-15 17:21 
Tochter des Aeolus / Portrait / womanportrait,windy
Tochter des Aeolus
Tochter des Aeolus / Portrait / womanportrait,wind
Tochter des Aeolus
Tochter des Aeolus / Portrait / womanportrait,wind
Tochter des Aeolus
Tochter des Aeolus / Portrait / womanportrait,wind
Tochter des Aeolus

Manchmal ist der Wind mein Freund.

Bei der Erstellung eines Fotos spielen viele Parameter eine Rolle, von denen einige durchaus kontrollierbar sind, andere aber manchmal völlig zufällig. In dieser Serie hat sich der Wind dazu entschieden, den Körper des Modells auf poetische Weise zu umhüllen.

Numerous parameters come into play in the making of a photograph, some of which are entirely controllable, while others can be totally random. In this series, the wind has chosen to envelop the model's body in a poetic way. Sometimes the wind is my friend!

2023-04-12 20:14 
photobook maquette / Portrait / photobook,maquette,layout,book,portrait,shooting
photobook maquette


I have always loved designing photo books. For some time now I have been making a book that includes the photographs from a shooting. Here is the model of one of my last books made with Louise, which you can browse online on Calaméo.

Past Events

Archive 09.05.2024

Les Rencontres Photographiques d'Arlon  

Le mois de la photographie

Thursday, 2024-05-09 10:00h - Monday, 2024-05-27 21:35h

Le Palais, place Léopold, Arlon

Belgium / Europe

Invité Christophe Jacrot

Organizer / Participants: Photographer Martial Rossignol

Event created by Martial Rossignol / 2024-03-26 21:45:04

Link: Thursday, 2024-05-09 10:00h - Monday, 2024-05-27 21:35h / Les Rencontres Photographiques d'Arlon| Le mois de la photographie

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Martial Rossignol


What I like about the portrait is obviously the light but also the material. This is why I work as both a painter and a photographer. All the effects of materials and colors are therefore developed during the shooting. I paint on transparent film with colored gels or not, acrylic paints, powders, pigments, etc.

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